Grow sales and retain customers ? Offer them a service with a high perceived value with emotions ? Do so by investing a few tens of euro cents for each product sold ? From today you can and success is guaranteed.
With 4coupon ALL customers who will buy a product or service will benefit your company will be entitled to a prize of course.
You can also select the area of ​​interest of the award:
- Sports ( week of attendance in the gym or with a personal trainer session )
- Wellness ( aesthetic treatment )
- Food (dinners 2x1 )
and many other ideas that every day we develop for our clients.
Over 1,500 centers throughout Italy ready to meet any requirement.
Our software platform will activate all the initiative to create the database of participants , managing the individual accession , recording all codes entered by sending in automatic and real-time booking voucher prize emotional , forwarding e-mails and SMS messages to participants and providing detailed statistics about the initiative. Easy is not it?