Our platform "Double Digit 3.0": the "core" of each initiative successful incentive
Based on over 10 years of daily work done in small steps and great insights, our proprietary software is the 'core' of our platform and allows the management of more complex initiatives making all the procedures easy and intuitive for the participant. Thanks to the dedicated algorithms we can implement any type of mechanics according to the needs of the customer.
'Cascade' Structure with different access privileges: every participant sees only the data of his interest with the possibility of maturing percentage points also responsible for a particular business area.
Minimum thresholds to access initiative, Target customized for each customer so that everyone can compete according to their potential, the Target Group to create a sense of belonging and focus on shared objectives.
A powerful tool to understand the benefits of the transaction immediately to the participant incentives. If the client focuses its regular purchases on our Company which will be his immediate return and the prizes will benefit?
A lot of processed data in real time to have a clear vision of the initiative incentive: customers access number, total values ​​generated points at the moment, sales made by a single participant or a group, prizes Popular, creation of the relational database participants ... the only limit is your imagination!
Multipremium Basket
It was finally overcome the restriction of premiums according to the section. Now the participant may order one or more prizes by choosing from thousands of references of the top brands, using all the points available to it and without any obligation to purchase the Company for sponsoring. Is not it easy ?

For each customer we develop an algorithm dedicated to meet the specific needs of the sector.

Points Value
Point differentiated value to potential customer, geographic area, type of product purchased.

Promotions time to increase sales at certain times of the year also of specific products.

The message center allows the sending of e-mail and SMS to create a lasting relationship with the customer.

The use of the most popular social platforms and helps to spread the initiative to open a dialogue with the participant.

Mechanical target individual, group, with a minimum threshold, classification, extraction ... the only limit is your imagination.