Sales Control
COACHTIVE: When COACHing meets incenTIVE.
All studies about people's motivation agree that, when basic needs have been satisfied, people feel the desire to grow as person. For this reason, we present our latest innovation developed by the research center of the University of Tampa (USF). Registered TradeMark USPTO #86380156. COACHTIVE is the union between the efficiency of Coaching (in this case e-learning) and the most advanced solutions of Incentive.
e-Learning facilitates the achievement of results
and the INCENTIVE rewards results.
4incentive has designed programs and specific solutions for their integration.

One of the greatest difficulties that companies have is ...
to involve customers / employees in professional technical training,
for example: to illustrate the operating characteristics of the products
or to introduce new lines and series.
The lack of knowledge of the product/service leads to a poor use of its working function or, even worse, to a bad use with results of dissatisfaction
towards the product/service.

Until now, these two worlds (e-learning and incentives) and their platforms were both detached. Now for the first time, thanks to the work of 4incentive.com, these sectors have been integrated to take advantage for client companies.
The "Coachtive platform", with elements of artificial intelligence, examines the selling behavior of customers and employees suggesting them, in complete independence, to attend the online course about the less-sold lines,
rewarding them with additional points that will be added to
those already earned.
But applications do not stop here: the developments may even touch such areas as safety in workplace, language courses and training for sales networks, just to make an example....
Find out now what the COACHTIVE can do for your company...
Click here, request directly a Demo

Il “METODO SPSC - SALES POWER SALES CONTROL” permette di incrementare le vendite, aumentare la redditività e consolidare le quote di mercato creando una barriera difficilmente sormontabile dai tuoi concorrenti.
Assumi ora il controllo della tua rete di vendita indiretta instaurando un rapporto profondo che mira al conseguimento dello stesso risultato: VENDERE DI PIU’ E MEGLIO.